Mediterranean Cardiology Meeting

 Taormina, Italy April 7 - 9 2005
 President: Michele M. Gulizia , MD, FACA

  President: Michele M. Gulizia

Home Page Presentation Program President Scientific Secretariat Organizing Secretariat MCM 2003 Abstract

abstract form

Deadline for submission: December 15 2004:

Abstracts must be submitted in English.

- The font size should be 12 point, Times New Roman character (maximum 2,485 characters).

- Please specify: names of authors (initial of first name and surname, underline presenting author's name only) Institution or Hospital, City and Country.

- Please indicate the main topic as well as the choice between oral and poster presentation

- Please do not put name of authors and institution in your text

Abstract which do not conform to the guidelines will be returned to their authors for correction.
The presentation of an abstract requires the registration of at least one of the authors.
Please notice that your abstract, if accepted, will be published and your copyright will be transferred to the editor for publication.

Adria Congrex will send the official confirmation to authors by February 2005

AWARDS: There will be special awards given to "the best communication" selected by the Scientific Committee between accepted oral communications and posters.

First Name:
Family Name:
Name of Institution or Hospital:
Zip Code:
Phone (Include country & area codes):

Type of presentation preferred:

Oral Communication
      (Presentation will be given in the English language only, supported by video presentation form PC only)

      (dimensions 70 cm. Width, 100 cm height)

ABSTRACT CATEGORIES: please indicate abstract category

Title :
Title of abstract
Authors :
Names of authors (initial of first name and surname, underline presenting author's name only) Institution or Hospital, City and Country
Institution or Hospital :
Institution or Hospital, City and Country
File abstract : To insert the abstract please click on "search" button and select the abstract file on you PC
The font size should be 12 point, Times New Roman character (maximum 2,485 characters)

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